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Histoire de la Confédération Helvetique by Watteville, Alexandre-Louis... ISBN: 9781176116399 List Price: $27.75
Affaires de l'Angleterre et de l'Amrique Volume 1 by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781172724505 List Price: $64.75
Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern : From the birth of Christ, to the beginning of t... by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781174853050 List Price: $35.75
Sermon Preached Before the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company in Boston, June 6 1796 :... by John Adams Library (Boston ... ISBN: 9781174930072 List Price: $15.75
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Congress of the United States of Americ : Begun and ... by Adams, John, United States,... ISBN: 9781175012661 List Price: $22.75
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Eighth Congress of the United States of America, Beg... by Adams, John, United States,... ISBN: 9781175012654 List Price: $26.75
Annual Register : Or, A view of the history, politics, and literature for the Year . . by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175043061 List Price: $48.75
Annual Register : Or, A view of the history, politics, and literature for the Year . . by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175043054 List Price: $50.75
Annual Register : Or, A view of the history, politics, and literature for the Year . . by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175032720 List Price: $43.75
Annual Register : Or, A view of the history, politics, and literature for the Year . . by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175032713 List Price: $41.75
Dictionnaire Historique des Moeurs, Usages et Coutumes des François : Contenant aussi les ét... by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175122223 List Price: $54.75
Mémoires du Chevalier de Ravanne : Page de S. A. R. le duc régent, et Mousquetaire by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175272164 List Price: $27.75
Medical Inquiries and Observations Containing an Account of the Yellow Fever, As It Appeared... by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175262349 List Price: $26.75
Medical Inquiries and Observations by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175273406 List Price: $37.75
Histoire de la République de Venise : Depuis sa fondation jusqu'à Présent by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175183149 List Price: $42.75
Histoire de Charlemagne : Precédeée de considérations sur la première race, and suivie de co... by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175183279 List Price: $39.75
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175182067 List Price: $37.75
Sketches of Algiers, Political, Historical, and Civil : Containing an account of the geograp... by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175347947 List Price: $31.75
Sixth Annual Report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the ... by Adams, John, John Adams Lib... ISBN: 9781175348043 List Price: $17.75
Reports of the Secret and Select Committees, Appointed by the Honourable the House of Common... by Adams, John, Great Britain.... ISBN: 9781175352446 List Price: $42.75
Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress : From the first meeting thereof to ... by Adams, John, United States.... ISBN: 9781175373236 List Price: $45.75
Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer by Burn, Richard, John Adams L... ISBN: 9781178757736 List Price: $39.75
General View of the Agriculture in the County of Essex : With observations on the means of i... by Vancouver, Charles, Board o... ISBN: 9781178757576 List Price: $26.75
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northampton : With observations on the mean... by Donaldson, James, Board of ... ISBN: 9781178753844 List Price: $18.75
Just Limitation of Slavery in the Laws of God : Compared with the unbounded claims of the Af... by Sharp, Granville, John Adam... ISBN: 9781178748796 List Price: $23.75
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